“When we look beyond appearances, we see oppressors and oppressed, across societies, ethnicities, genders, classes and castes; we see an unjust and cruel world. We must invent another world because we know that another world is possible. But it is up to us to build it with our hands by entering the stage, on the stage and in our lives.
We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it.” Augusto Boal

The Compagnie Entre les Actes was created in Metz in 2010 by Marie-Pierre Mazzarini, actress and director.

We explore and create a theater of testimonies, that is to say a theater whose writing is based on the words entrusted, whether public or more confidential. This writing, unique and demanding, rather far from current dramaturgical production, has led us, throughout our creations, to navigate towards very different universes.

The theater of testimony is a tool for understanding, for highlighting, for struggle, for emancipation and we believe that if we, artists, have a mission, it is this. For several years, we have been thinking about and creating a theater which starts from life stories, without any fiction, whose purpose involves going beyond the individual story to move towards a sharing necessary for collective reflection.

Like Augusto Boal's Theater of the Oppressed, this theater is therefore a tool for raising awareness which allows us to step back from the production of hegemonic discourses, images and knowledge. In this way, it allows spectators to constitute their own analysis. It also shows, and this is particularly close to our hearts, a world that can be transformed, on which it is possible to act, by bringing an authentic, unfalsified voice, by making the words of those who are often forced to resonate. ·are silent. Individual vulnerability then becomes the deployment of strength, of collective will, the expression of critical thinking and discourse on the world.

“We must always ensure that we understand well what is general in the particular. […] It is necessary that during the scene, or in the debate, we move from the phenomenon to the law: from the facts of history to the social laws which govern it. » (Boal, 1996).

This theater which speaks of the common allows a sharing necessary for any enterprise of raising awareness, analysis of societal, historical, scientific or political issues.

So that this theater can exist, we confront artists with other disciplines and knowledge. Thus, filmmakers, actors, musicians, directors, graphic & audio designers, historians, anthropologists, scientists, social workers, authors, come to nourish this artistic and human approach and together we open the way to new fields of exploration.

Our desire is to reach audiences of diverse origins and sensitivities, through our educational and cultural creations and actions.

Thus, each project represents a step in this ongoing quest for a theater that bears witness to the world and our lives. Invent shows that question history and the present, the intimate and the imaginary!



Fleur Breteau - Author / Playwright

Sophie Arborio - SHS Anthropologist

Emmanuelle Simon - SHS Anthropologist

Nathalie Turin - Specialized educator

Cédric Neveu - Historian

Nadège Mosnier - theater teacher

Antoine Arlot - Musician

Eric Dal Molin - Musician

Charles Kieny - Musician

Claire Cahen - Actress

Sadia Boubekeur - Actress
Laurent Vari n - Comedian

Muriel Arnould - Actress

Sullivan Da silva - Comedian

Yvon Lesieur - Comedian


Vincent Conrad - Image & sound designer

Jacqueline Mangin - General management

Jean Noël Pierre - Director

Renaud Holtzinger - Cinematographer

François Cacic - Sound


City of Metz

Department of Moselle

DRAC Grand Est


Aragon Hagondange Center

University of Lorraine

Word of Mouth Association

Company SKBL

Company Roland Furieux

Company Le Studiolo
PIXO Association

MPM Equipemint

Rotary Club Metz


Rabelais College Metz

Louis Vincent Metz High School

IRTS of Lorraine

ESAT Le Point du jour in Pierreviller


Margaux Juszczak

33 (0)6 71 13 86 50



Sabine Peultier President

Alexandra Dubourdieu Secretary

Delphine Ribere Treasurer

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